Personal Papers - Fulton County, Illinois - # 2

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Stan – I recently received the following email concerning a possible sighting in March of 2011 in Fulton County, Illinois.

Witness Statement:

My husband, my daughter and I had traveled to Macomb Illinois about 8 yrs ago. We were traveling east bound on County Highway 95 and we were close to the Spoon River Valley. It was March or April and still cold outside. We are following a snow plow, who was not plowing but just driving East and we were followed by a Illinois state police officer. We were coming up on the Spoon River Valley and it was around 2 or 3 pm. We saw what appeared to be a very tall man on the left side of the road and he was walking toward the road. As we got closer we noticed that this “man” was extremely tall and dressed all in beige from head to toe. The snow plow in front of us slammed on his brakes as the “man” began walking into the path of traffic. This “man” we realized was not wearing beige clothing but seemed to be covered in fur that was the color of wheat or even deer in the spring. He never looked up, he didn’t seem to notice a bright orange snow plow coming right at him. The plow actually passed him and he walked right in between our car and the snow plow and he still never looked up. He walked right passed us (about 10 feet away) and dropped down into a copse of trees and a deep ravine and disappeared. The cop and the snow plow driver pulled over to speak to each other. The snow plow driver got out of his truck and yelled at us “did you just see that” but the cop told us to keep driving and would not let us stop. He told us to move along and he stayed with the plow driver. And we’ll that’s it. This could only be one thing and I did not believe in Bigfoot, he was never of interest to me and our family. I and my family were as close as 10 feet from this thing and it was covered in silky looking dirty blond hair. He never once looked at anyone but looked straight ahead at the wooded ravine like he didn’t hear or notice us. My ex husband is 6’5 and this guy was bigger than that with wide shoulders. I saw no clothing or shoes and only saw the face in profile, and the face was also covered in hair. And that’s it. That’s my story. I still have no idea what we saw but I will always wonder.